Avoid getting sick this holiday flu season!

Our immune system functions based on what we put into our system, how we treat ourselves, and with our environment. The food we eat, how we choose to indulge, and the thoughts we think affect our whole system. Holiday time can be extra happy with celebrations and lots of liquid love. It can also be a stressful time with money worries, travel, & getting everything together. Plus the end of the year always brings up old problems. Stay balanced by watching how you treat yourself.

Most of our bodies ability to fight off disease is found in your gut. When you are able to maintain good digestion and elimination, your body is able to easily expel foreign invaders and toxins. Within the gut are millions of microorganisms that help keep your organs functioning well and protect the immune system. There are many factors that contribute to the holiday blues and illnesses. Stress, overworking, overeating, sugar, alcohol, and too much fun can deplete your system and leave you feeling tried, run down, cranky, and eventually ill. Too much of anything can leave us depleted and our inner body quite upset.


Keep your energy high this holiday with these tricks:

  1. Load up on Vitamin C
  2. Get extra sleep
  3. Sweat Daily
  4. Limit your alcohol to 2 drinks
  5. Watch how your body eliminates
  6. Let yourself Sleep in
  7. Wash your hands more
  8. Use teas to boost your immune system
  9. Stay hydrated with extra water
  10. Rest & listen to your body when it needs TLC


Fight the Flu with proper care! Holidays are a busy and fun time. Make sure your water intake is MORE than your sugar or alcohol intake. Watch what you eat. Too much of anything can weaken your system, and cause an imbalance in your gut and how your body functions and performs.

You’re allowed to relax and enjoy the holidays… Listen to what YOU need to stay well!