

Why Astrology & Soul Star Charts

Get an Astrology Soul Star Chart Done By Kali & Learn Why:


Kali’s star charts offer an opportunity to help you decode your soul story and understand your karmic influences, so that you can create the best life for yourself! Learn more about astrology star charts and understand you and your soul on deeper layers.


How Kali Got Involved with Astrology – A note from Kali:

Astrology found me at my first job out of college and followed me, especially when I was working in the Yoga Scene full time. It sparked an interest, I began exploring it, had astrology readings, and was blown away from the start. I began to study and learn more about astrology. When I did Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training I learned a lot more about the yoga sciences and how astrology and numerology connect us to nature, life, and the human body. I knew that this information was powerful and very useful and wanted to do something with the knowledge I’d gained. Thus, I was inspired to create a “Yoga Star Chart” back in 2016. Since then, I’ve learned a lot more about astrology, got certified in psychology and numerology, and continue to explore philosophies and more. I began doing readings and sharing what I know with others. After getting positive feedback from astrology readings, I know this information is useful for everyone. I’ve evolved my astrology star charts and now call them “Astrology Soul Start Charts” and provide a PDF and digital recording about the chart  and person/ soul that I’m doing the reading for.

If it wasn’t for astrology, I probably wouldn’t be alive today. Because of astrology and the yogic sciences I was able to understand certain things I had to go thru in life and why, which helped me get thru some of the toughest challenges and times of my life. I was informed of my tough cycle and was told it wouldn’t be easy, and if I hadn’t had that awareness, I may not have survived the experience. Thru my own journey, astrology and numerology has helped ground me, explain why things happen, and help me refine my choices. I shifted my perspective from thinking life was about working up the career ladder, getting married, and having kids, and decided to pursue my passions and dreams in a bigger way. I listened to the data astrology and numerology provided and aligned with my personal cycles, trusting the process, and knowing my own evolution was happening. That healing cycle was rough, taught me a lot, and allowed me to gain more strength and wisdom than most people know.

I recommend getting an Astrology reading, to have your own experience, understand your soul, and have new awareness about YOU and how to navigate life! Kali’s reading are unique and one of a kind and she uses all she’s learned about the mind, consciousness, yoga, and more, to tell the story of you, who you are, what you came here to do, lessons, challenges, and give you insight into your own personal cycles and energy.


Why Astrology?!?

Astrology helps us grow and evolve and gives us a roadmap on how to do it. It also lets us understand people and how to communicate more effectively. We are all unique and born with different talents and karma. Using astrology, you can begin to understand why things happen, what you individually need to go thru, your karma, and it can help offer tools and new perspectives that can radically transform your life.

Like Yoga teaches us, we are not separate from nature or one another. Astrology helps us shift our psyche and understand our unconscious and limitations so that we can wake up within ourselves and our shadow, and make positive changes and better choices.


How an Astrology Chart Reading Can Help You

Developing self awareness and understanding your own soul energy can elevate your life and inspire you to live better, and even go after things that you may have living beliefs around and believe is not possible.

Your astrology chart shows your mind and connected your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Since the world is made up of energy and we are all individuals, it’s valuable to understand you and how your universe works.


What Astrology, Numerology, & the Yoga Sciences Can do for You:

  • Gain more self awareness and see you, yourself, your soul, from a new perspective
  • Learn mindfulness and what behaviors and mindsets you may need to shift to live better
  • Understand challenges, life lessons, and issues or patterns in your life and how to evolve beyond them
  • Find your true north and understand how to liberate your past and move you forward
  • Get unstuck, have new motivation and inspiration, and info to empower you and your  dreams
  • Discover your energy and how it relates to health and wellness on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual


Utilize your energy and Soul power to spark your inner light and help you transform and create the kind of life ya desire and love!


Learn how to Tap into Bliss with your own personal Astrology Soul Star Chart

Libra Season & Astrology

All About Libra Astrology Sign & Season

Libra Season Dates: September 2022 – October 2022

Things to consider during Libra Season:

Balance & Transforming Relationships for Harmony & Beauty

Virgo is the Earth Goddess that teaches us to embody sacredness and connect to the wisdom of the Earth. She helps us create routines, order, discipline, to help us fulfill our purpose and mission. She offers us the opportunity to learn to tune into our true radiant nature and go within to embody feminine principles and balance energies. Although, virgo is ruled by Mercury and the head, the wisdom of Virgo, in the highest state, is someone who has shed negative patterns and emotions and lives in the light and a virtuous Godly/Goddess state. Through the Zodiac we can learn how to evolve and how to balance our own energies. Virgo season teaches us to reconnect to ourself, take time for us, self nurture, and allow ourselves to shift head and heart and get practical in how we can live our best life and harvest our needs and desires. It’s a real practice, to be able to wake up to our unconscious and self sabotage and tap into our unique essence, while living with integrity and honoring Christ values like – Love, honesty, kindness, goodness, peace…Thus, virgo season and virgo energy helps us fine tune our physical body and mind so we may live more heart open and purify the head and heart in order to live with more grace, peace, and ease. Tapping into our bliss, creating sacred sexuality and doing the deep emotional work to be in the body, requires strength, trust, patience, and a wanting to merge with our highest selves and take the journey thru the shadows, to live in the light, and thrive. During Virgo Season we are asked to make transitions, honor the shifting cycles, tune into the Earth and rhythms of nature, and understand our journey to remember and be willing to align with our heart and soul and shift our mind and lifestyle so we may harvest and build a fulfilling life.


Libra Season:

When libra season shows up it’s imperative to look at all relationships, including the relationship we have with ourself. Depending on what else is going on in the astrology, it’s necessary to look at where relationships needs to change to create more harmony. It’s a great energy to make amends in relationships and transform relationships for the better, or have new emotional conversations, clear the air, reconcile or get closure.

Libra energy teaches us to hone our power and energy in ways that effectively help us relate, connect, and achieve. It’s about balancing our own scales and weighing where we are out of balance, perhaps caring too much about others, and forgetting about ourself. With Libra, it begins with the mind balance and taming our mental energy, including our reactions and blocks that keep us from relating and connecting effectively.

Like the scales, Libra deals with karma and karmic balance. Always be mindful how ya treat others and what ya do and say; karma does come back around at sound point.

Look at where Libra falls in your astrology birth chart to understand the energy and how it relates to you more depth!

  • During this time consider your own relationship and are you living in your highest light and in your individuality? 
  • What needs to change to help you get the kind of relationships and life ya desire?
  • Have you developed a positive and loving relationship with yourself and can attract likeminded relationships and people?
  • What mental perceptions and beliefs are limiting you from evolving and expanding?
  • How can you create better relationships and communicate and connect better?


With the new Fall season, it’s a time of creating balance and using the Fall to set the foundation and soil the seeds and intention, while reaping a new harvest.

Libra comes after Virgo season, and that earthly sign teaches us to get back to our roots, be disciplined, and understand our service to life and humanity and the work we came here to do. Hopefully Virgo, helped us create a routine and get organized in ourself and what we want to do with life.

Libra is the air sign that the helps us connect to our ultimate dreams or desires and helps us create the relationship with ourself to be able to connect with the right people and purpose.

Because Libra is ruled by balance, connection, and relating, it’s necessary to explore our feminine and masculine energies and look at how we may need to transform to get back on track with our life and higher purpose.

All of life is relationship and the individual relationship you have with it.

Libra energy can help us understand how to balance ourself, our own wellbeing, and lifestyle and shift what’s needed to then create better outer relationships.

Use libra season to get back in touch with you and the people who matter!

Perhaps reflect on relationships and people you’ve outgrown or people you’ve lost touch with. Always look at yourself and what you can do to create balance, love, and harmony in all relationships, including those you may not enjoy.


The Sign for Libra :  The Scales [weighing the balance]

Libra Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Venus

Libra & Health & Wellness

Libra rules the kidneys, which is also known to be the area we store unconscious fear. Libra also teaches us to overcome fear, especially relating to communication and how we connect with people. Libra helps us confront our patterns of loneliness and where we rely too much on others or fall into codependent patterns. It can also be about unlocking our shadow side of being too selfish and not open, loving or reciprocal in relating.


Libra Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Libras are known to be very loyal and high minded with high values. They like helping others. Libras solve problems, negotiate, and communicate in effective ways and use their mindset to be proactive, lead, and help the people. They are people persons, and often can build and create relationships well. They have communication skills and can be charismatic and leaders, especially in the field of relating with others. Libra can help us see with new perspectives. Libra energy can help us foster a better way of relating and connecting.

  • Libras often strive to create peace, compromise, and are great negotiators or mediators.
  • Libra is known for being neutral minded and able to see all sides.
  • Libras love justice and bring justice by balancing the scales and weighing all options.
  • Must be mindful of giving too much, caring more about others, and one sided relationships
  • Libras can be people pleasers and not be able to stand in their identity and truth (a lesson)


Look at your astrology chart to see where Libra energy is and how it relates to you!

Contact Kali for a personal Astrology Star Chart and decode your unique Soul Story and understand how to evolve and transform to live your best life!

Virgo Season & Astrology Archetype

All About Virgo Astrology Sign & Season

Virgo Season Dates: August 22 – September 21

Things to consider during Virgo Season:

Purify & Cleanse the Heart and Mind – Create the foundation & plant the seeds that matter

Virgo is the Earth Goddess that teaches us to embody sacredness and connect to the wisdom of the Earth. She helps us create routines, order, discipline, to help us fulfill our purpose and mission. She offers us the opportunity to learn to tune into our true radiant nature and go within to embody feminine principles and balance energies. Although, virgo is ruled by Mercury and the head, the wisdom of Virgo, in the highest state, is someone who has shed negative patterns and emotions and lives in the light and a virtuous Godly/Goddess state. Through the Zodiac we can learn how to evolve and how to balance our own energies. Virgo season teaches us to reconnect to ourself, take time for us, self nurture, and allow ourselves to shift head and heart and get practical in how we can live our best life and harvest our needs and desires. It’s a real practice, to be able to wake up to our unconscious and self sabotage and tap into our unique essence, while living with integrity and honoring Christ values like – Love, honesty, kindness, goodness, peace…Thus, virgo season and virgo energy helps us fine tune our physical body and mind so we may live more heart open and purify the head and heart in order to live with more grace, peace, and ease. Tapping into our bliss, creating sacred sexuality and doing the deep emotional work to be in the body, requires strength, trust, patience, and a wanting to merge with our highest selves and take the journey thru the shadows, to live in the light, and thrive. During Virgo Season we are asked to make transitions, honor the shifting cycles, tune into the Earth and rhythms of nature, and understand our journey to remember and be willing to align with our heart and soul and shift our mind and lifestyle so we may harvest and build a fulfilling life.


Virgo Season:

Virgo season happens after Astrological Leo Season, ending the Summer Season, and helping us shift into Fall. It’s a time of change and transition, with virgo energy supporting us to go within, relax, create new structures, and balance ourselves.

During Virgo season the theme is to purify your life and clean up your physical body and environment. It’s a time to shed what no longer works and get real with yourself in how you can cultivate better health and wellbeing. Because Virgo rules the digestion organs, bowels, intestines, it’s a great time to cleanse the body and take better care of you.

  • How can we explore how we can best be of service to ourselves, others, and humanity?
  • How can you make life more meaningful?
  • What new routines can you implement to improve your overall health and wellbeing?
  • What can you do to live in more sustainable and eco friendly forms?
  • How can you treat yourself and your body better?
  • Where am I being too judgmental and close minded and stuck in my own head and beliefs?


The Sign for Virgo:  The Sacred Earth Goddess 

Virgo Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Mercury


Virgo Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Virgos are often practical and logical people, so during this time consider your foundation and how you’re building your future now with the action you create and choices you make. Virgos can like order and control and be perfectionist and organized. Find your balance by looking at your control and discipline dynamics. Consider where you’re being too much of a perfectionist, too orderly, not having enough have and play, or not attending to your own needs. During Virgo season look at what areas of your life your feel stuck or unhappy in. Make effort to change your routine, set a foundation, and become discipline to be able to create new habits and forms of wellness, including abundance.

  • Virgos are practical, and sometimes too judgmental and set in their ways
  • Virgo energy teaches us how we can be of service to ourselves, others, and humanity
  • Virgo energy highlights the physical body, wellness, health and over all wellbeing
  • Look at where you feel pressured by material objects or the material world – how can you shift to more ease?
  • Where are you too in the head and intellect and negating or holding guards around the heart?


Look at your astrology chart to see where Virgo energy is and how it relates to you!

Contact Kali for a personal Astrology Star Chart and decode your unique Soul Story and understand how to evolve and transform to live your best life!

Leo Season & Astrology Archetype

All About Leo Astrology Sign & Season

Leo Season Dates: July 22- August 23

Things to consider during Leo Season:

Balance Heart and Mind – Learn to Live Empowered in Your Soul Expression!

Heal old patterns and suppressed pain or emotions. Let yourself open up during Leo Season! Have the courage to roar, be fully expressed, emotionally healthy and mentally well. Improve communication and relationships by being YOU and creating that inner self love and authenticity. Leave fear, and embody more love so you can be center stage of your own life and own your power, with self empowerment.


Leo Season:

  • Where can you take responsibility for your life and take action for your future?
  • How can you shine your light, with your authentic expression?
  • What mental and emotional blocks are keeping you insecure, guarded, and closed off?
  • How can I take better care of myself and create a positive relationship inside with self love and self care?
  • Where can I open my heart, express myself, and create real connections and love?


The Sign for Leo:  The Lion

Leo Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Sun


Leo Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Leos like to be the star of their own life and show. Their authentic state is often charismatic, fun, playful, and extroverted. They are often good communicators and have no problem expressing themselves. The shadow of Leo is being to pompous, prideful, and self centered. Leos can be too into themself, overly critical or condoning of others, or on the other side, disconnected from their own light and authenticity.

  • Leos love to take center stage, be in the spotlight, and have attention
  • Born leaders, with charm, self confidence, and creativity
  • They learn to conquer fearlessness by owning their self expression and taking charge
  • Like to do things their own way and can create change with their unique gifts


Contact Kali for a personal Astrology Star Chart and decode your unique Soul Story and understand how to evolve and transform to live your best life!

Cancer Season & Astrology

All About Cancer Astrology Sign & Season

Cancer Season Dates: June 21 – July 22


Things to consider during Cancer Season:

Surrender to the flow of life and your emotions and desires. The midpoint of the year offers a time to reset and find renewal. Focus on your foundation and your self care and be willing to make changes to help the future you and what you want to create in your life. Avoid escapism and spend more time with you and your body. Allow pain, traumas, triggers, and stubborn mindsets to go. Consider the relationship you have with you, how to improve, and how to help other relationships thrive by going deep, being vulnerable, communicating, and most of all loving you and those that matter.

Cancer Season:

  • How can you honor yourself and your emotions and emotional needs?
  • Where can you integrate feminine energy and become emotionally open and vulnerable?
  • What hard shells and walls can you begin to confront and knock down to live less crabby, insecure, and negative?
  • Where can you do more self love, self care, and body care?
  • How can you create a strong foundation and align with the kind of family and future you want to create?
  • Release old beliefs and identities, especially tied to your family and let emotions flow and go.


The Sign for Cancer:  The Crab

Cancer Element: Water

Ruling Planet: The Moon


Cancer Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Cancers must learn how to come out of their shell and be seen in their own unique light. Connecting to their emotions and sensitivities can help them release their walls, fears, and guards – and be less crabby or resistant. Though, they could be stubborn and pending their astrology chart, softening into their feminine energy and healing the over controlling masculine could be challenging.

  • Cancers can be sensitive souls, and they can also be reactive and overly insecure and not connected to their intuition and sensitivities
  • Cancers are very connected to family and roots – it’s the sign to explore your true roots & ancestral lineage
  • Cancers must learn to connect to their sensitivities and balance masculine and feminine energies

Gemini Season & Astrology

All About Gemini Astrology Sign & Season

Gemini Dates: May 20- June 21


Things to consider during Gemini Season:

During Gemini season we may want to socialize more, connect with people and enjoy the playful energy of Gemini. Watch out for lack of focus and needing stimulus, and take extra time to ground down and quit the busyness and neurosis of the mind.

Gemini’s can come off as the child in the zodiac, and may need extra support developing maturity in their mind, emotions, and themselves. They can live carefree, stress free, escape, and live like childlike wonder and curiosity. They can engage in too much fun, party, gossip, and need to be social which can get them into trouble. Being alone maybe challenging. Geminis are like butterflies, learning how to spread and grow their own wings, and really find their own unique truth. This is the season to live with childlike wonder, be open to new perspectives and people, and delight in the joy of your own being.

Since Gemini rules the mind, be careful of being too impulsive or reactive. Know your own needs and be willing to communicate and express yourself in healthy ways. Be mindful and careful of getting too caught up in your own mind, or projection of reality and unnecessary drama. 

So have fun during Gemini season, stay playful and in the heart, and be mindful of any negative reactions or mind games. It’s a season to allow for change and dance with the unknown and work on expressing yourself and staying true to you – mind, body, heart, and soul. Find a new rhythm, and flow with the universe in where it’s trying to lead you and what it’s trying to teach ya.

Tips for Gemini Season:

  • Breathing into body and to calm mind
  • Watch our for nervousness or anxiety – pay attention to over stimulation, too much caffeine and other factors that can affect health or sleep issues
  • Clean up your environment and get rid of the junk or excess 
  • Practice the pause – become nonreactive or defensive
  • Look at your own limitations in the mind and what can now shift to allow you to view life and others in a new, more loving, lens 
  • Avoid getting caught in the mind and thinking you know best

The Sign for Gemini :  The Twins (duality)

Gemini Element: Air

Ruling Planet:  Mercury


Gemini Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Gemini’s can be very charming, witty, and know how to be cunning and get their way with people. They are like jokers, sometimes not able to be taken serious, and can be sarcastic and deceitful. They are often open minded, curious, and may have an over reactive mind and need stimulation. They may need to learn how to balance their mind and find neutral, and connect head with heart. Getting out of the intellect could be challenging and their own need be right or their excessive mental energy. Of course, how the archetype of Gemini shows up, depends largely on the whole astrology chart and what is integrated. People matter for Geminis and connecting and socializing are important.

Taurus Season & Astrology

All About Taurus Astrology Sign & Season


Pisces Dates: April 21 – May 20

Things to consider during Taurus Season:

Taurus is an Earth Element, and coming out of the fire of Aries season, it’s important to ground down and get back in touch with yourself and inner sanctuary. Taurus is all about the physical body and taking care of yourself. It’s our inner chaos that creates conflicts, yet we all can do a better job of managing our emotions and energy to live more balanced.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and the astrological archetype helps us nurture ourself and create prosperity with grace and ease. Taurus loves the good things of life! They may indulge in luxury, enjoy music, art, and other forms of beauty and pleasure. It’s a time to rebalance ourselves and tap into the inner richness and fullness so we can live fulfilling lives. To surrender, and quit forcing and embody more feminine virtues to allow peace and ease and resolve conflicts in friendly and fine ways. 

Beauty & love is the keyword with Taurus and rooting into our true self and soul. That must be cultivated within the self – mind, body, soul

We can use the will power, fire, and passion of Aries to reset ourself and our lives to build a steady foundation and tend to the garden of our soul and self. Less doing, more being, allows us to receive easily and connect to flow, especially with change. Now is the time to bloom and tend to our desires and dreams and release the fear of moving forward. 

It’s a time to clean up our life, relationships, physical reality & body, and get clear in what’s going to work moving forward. With the energy of Spring, clear out the old and purify your life to live more aligned with your own values. 

Venus, Tauru’s ruler, is all about love and connection. Taurus helps us balance all aspects of self and life. We can tap into the wisdom of our body, get congruent with our mind and heart, and create inner security. Remember, the relationship to ourself is the most important factor to how our relationships are in our life. Doing more body love and self care at this time can bring more peace and ease, especially emotional healing if needed and also expression.

Know true wealth and fulfillment come from inner alignment of heart and soul. Beyond material gain and money, there is prosperity in learning to balance your energy, give, receive, and optimize our mindset to live in more loving and worthy ways. 

Taurus is the bull of the zodiac – they have inner strength, often developed through life and strong determination to get their way. 

Taurus often deals with self worth issues and self esteem. We can be too heady, controlling, insecure, impatient, and bull our way forward and ahead. We can ruin relationships when we have internal steam and conflicts in the mind or body. Out of balance Taurus can be too stubborn and insecure. They can have a hard time letting go and hold onto resentment and jealousy or hold rage and have a strong need to be right. They can also have a hard time forgiving.

It’s important to develop internal security, work through emotional wounds and be able to consciously communicate and connect in loving ways. The throat is often aligned with Taurus, and learning to speak and connect in harmonious ways maybe a challenge.


Taurus Season:

  • Commit to yourself, self love, and stay true to you! Stay determined!
  • What new foundation are you creating and how can you create routine for it?
  • What stubborn mindsets and beliefs are you holding?
  • Where are you NOT staying true to your and your heart?
  • What emotional and inner wounds are keeping you secure, walled, or guarded?
  • How can I better embody my values?
  • Where can I create more harmony and balance in life and relationships?


The Sign for Taurus:  Two fish swimming in opposite directions (sometimes like yin/yang symbol)

Taurus Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Venus


Taurus Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

  • Stubborn, need to be right
  • Grounded, determined, and practical when in balance
  • Lover of pleasure and beauty
  • Out of balance – too headstrong and in the mind (over heart) and not emotionally open
  • Can live stuck in the past, mindsets, or emotions / wounds
  • Taurus has self esteem, ability to act, and create from their drive and passion

Aries Season & Astrology

All About Aries Astrology Sign & Season

Aries Dates: March 21 – April 19

It’s Aries Season! Time to light up your life and spark your inner passion to fuel you forward. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and Aries season marks the new astrological year. Spring is the new season that propels us forward and sets the foundation for the future. We can choose what new seeds we plant and what we want to grow and what really matters for us now and who we’ve become.

It’s a choice on how we activate our will and take action to live more aligned with our hear and soul.

We rise in the Spring out of the Winter Season and hopefully have learned our lessons. We can reflect on the Fall and Winter seasons and look at ourselves and what lessons or patterns we have overcome. Yet, if we are staying the same, we deny our own growth. Nothing changes until we change and take action and take responsibility in our life. It’s a choice whether we stay in the past or patterns or whether we wake up to our own growth and potential. Astrology can help us transcend karma and tap into our bliss and full authentic potential. Everyone has their own cycle, yet we can understand the archetypes and astrology to realize how we fall out of balance and stay stuck.

Aries is the element of FIRE. Fire can motivate us and inspire us into action or it can destroy and burn. We can learn to balance our energy and form awareness in how to live more consciously and mindfully and in sustainable ways. Too often our mind gets in the way and holds us back or our suppressed unconscious emotions and patterns catalyze us to react or stay in old behaviors that don’t serve. 

Aries is the Ram of the zodiac and they are known for being too head strong. Our challenge is always to embody more heart and soul and to get out of the head and our stubborn beliefs. This season our own ego either help us create or sabotage us from overcoming patterns and creating change. Being too selfish and guarded or insecure limits us. We all wear masks of fear and looking at how we are people pleasing and giving our energy away and without boundaries can help us shift to energetically be more sovereign and aligned within ourself.

As we come out of the depth and darkness of winter and Piscean season we often confront deep emotions and hidden pain. We can release old beliefs and understand our reality and all that happens by opening our mind and taking our power back within ourself.

There are big lessons to learn as we close up the old astrological year.

Aries is the I AM – when embodied they are secure, connected in their core, and aligned with their true nature, and a healthy ego.

What we choose now – moves us into the new year.

Have the courage to rise, grow up, and let go of mindsets, lifestyles, patterns, and people, who no longer serve your highest and happiest self… be willing to look at your own shadow and what life and the universe has been trying to teach you since September and during Winter.

It’s time to contain yourself, create a new foundation, and spark your own desires to know you are the creator of your life and you can go after what you love and deeply desire. 


Things to consider during Aries Season:

Aries season challenges us to own our life and become our own star. Usually when we shift out of codependence or negative patterns and insecurities, people notice and relationships change. It’s important to know during Aires season we can contain our energy, create balance in all relationships and lead in mindful and loving ways.

Aries is a leader. They often create, are entrepreneurs, and create confidence within themselves to do things different. Of course, to tap into the I am potential, it usually takes trials and tribulations. To be authentically empowered everyone gets to learn to develop emotional health and become resilient within. To overcome fear, and know thy self, and lead with soul power is a journey… it’s a choice whether we evolve and want to. Aries season is the time to initiate ourselves to create the life we desire and take action toward our higher goals. We must contain our power, be discipline, and use fire and passion in healthy conscious ways. We can burn thru negative emotions or traumas and clear the way for a more positive and aligned future, if we choose.

Yet, if we continue to build walls, drop bombs, and can’t contain ourselves, we continue to fuel the fire and create wars – first within us and with others. Our own self destruction and negative patterns will keep us out of alignment.

Use this new season to get clear within yourself on what matters and who you are today…and ask yourself what you want to create and who you want to become… and shift some habits and patterns so you can have a strong foundation to plant your seeds and grow.

Like plants and flowers bloom, we all get to water ourselves in healthy ways and stay dedicated to growth. We can allow new light to shine upon us and our lives. We can leave the cold energy of Winter and tame our energy in better ways. The reset is now. It’s never too late to change, to have the closure, to have the tough conversation, and to make peace with the past and your own actions.

It’s time to contain yourself, create a new foundation, and spark your own desires to know you are the creator of your life and you can go after what you love and deeply desire. 


Aries Season Questions to Explore or Journal On:

  • What are you passionate about and what lights you up and creates joy?
  • Who are you – at your core and in your heart?
  • What’s your highest soul calling or dream?
  • How can you rise from codependence and live more independent?
  • What emotional blocks and fears continue to hold you back?
  • What new inspired action can you take toward your bigger goals for the year?
  • Where are you living too headstrong and being too controlling and blocking ourselves from living more heart open and authentically aligned?
  • What energy, beliefs, and patterns are you releasing and wanting to change?

Energy Flows where Intention Goes –> How are you Aligning & Taking Right Action??

The Sign for Aries:  Two fish swimming in opposite directions (sometimes like yin/yang symbol)

Aries Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Mars [the God of War]


Aries Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Aries are the confident leaders of the Zodiac. They do something first, have creative potential and are often entrepreneurs. The challenge is to align with the will and be able to take action and align our energy in conscious and healthy ways. It’s overcoming the control and being too head strong and learning to be emotionally open, and healing any volatile explosive emotions or anger that keeps us from being able to be fully expressed and aligned in our highest authentic light.

  • Aries challenges us to be emotionally and mentally balanced – overcome emotional wounds to live more empowered
  • Aries can be too selfish and not compassionate or caring about others
  • The lesson of Aries is to be yourself and overcome insecurity, codependency, and fear to live in your Soul light
  • Learn to tame emotions and create an inner fire to give us courage and grace to lead in healthy and mindful ways
  • Balance of being too masculine and controlling and having a healthy internal connection can make us sovereign and the leaders of our own life


Pisces Season & Astrology

All About Pisces Astrology Sign & Season


Pisces Dates: Feb. 18- March 20


Things to consider during Pisces Season:

Pisces season is the end of the zodiac and symbolic of the final cycle to let go. It’s the end of Winter and before the Spring Equinox and the perfect time to bring closure to the end of the season. Winter is the season to slow down, turn within, and do some introspection on how to make changes and overcome whatever the past year taught us. Spring is the start of the new year, and Aries season is the kick off the new energy.

Let go of the old cycle and whatever the past year and Winter taught you. Take care of yourself and manage your emotions and mind. Realize where you can make shifts and changes, and update out dated beliefs. Getting grounding in your body, and limiting the opportunity to escape or overindulge is necessary to tap into the realm of truth, intuition, and security.

Learning to balance your energy, both masculine and feminine, and create wholeness can lead to a secure and empowered sense of self. However, out of balance pisces get trapped in subconscious patterns, codependency, and suppressed emotions that can be reactive and negative.

During Pisces season it’s necessary to look at what fantasies we hold in our head and accept reality for what it is, not what we want it to be. We get to learn trust, faith, and real surrender. When we get out of our mind or our ego’s need to control and be right, we can start to soften into ourselves, hear our hearts whisper, and detach from any energies and cords that don’t serve our highest. After all, we learn in winter fully let go and let god. Trust a higher power is helping you out. Dare to dream and create your dreams in reality, and know you are the force and the vessel that can unify and create peace and harmony.

We must get present with what negative emotions we suppress, the triggers or traumas that keep us from living in compassionate and loving ways. We can look at ourselves and our unconscious and learn to manage emotions and our mind, and surrender, relax, and live more in the flow.


 Pisces Season:

  • Where you’re out of the flow with your own dreams and desires?
  • Where are you being too controlling or putting your power out side of you?
  • How can you show up for you better? And out of codependence.
  • Where can you expand to live more balanced and unified with your own soul?
  • Consider how you can tap into emotions, release pain in the body, and elevate your own intuition to see thru your own lens and live more universally connected and loving with all.
  • What negative emotions are you suppressing or acting out on (and as a victim)?
  • Where do you place too much power on God or think another will save you beyond taking action and saving yourself?
  • How can you live with more compassion, softeners, feminine energy, and flow?
  • What self care routines can you implement to balance your head and heart / mind and emotions?


The Sign for Pisces:  Two fish swimming in opposite directions (sometimes like yin/yang symbol)

Capricorn Element: Water

Ruling Planet: Jupiter & Neptune


Pisces Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

Pisces can be the mystics of the Zodiac, full of wonder, and often very artistic and romantic. A typical pisces may have lofty fairy tale dreams and a romantic loving attitude in love. Yet, the secret of Pisces is to embody more wholeness, balance, and love within self, in order to create a fantasy into reality.

  • Pisces at it’s best is magical, intuitive, sensitive, and very empathetic.
  • They can be the most compassionate and caring of the zodiac.
  • Overemotional and insecure or suppressed in emotion – challenge is to balance
  • Victim consciousness – be mindful of blame games or pointing finger at others
  • Sensitive creatures, often with deep emotions and sensitivities

Aquarius Season & Astrology

All About Aquarius Sign & Season


Aquarian Dates: January 20 – February 18


Things to consider during Aquarius Season:

  • How can you be more unique and embody your goals and dreams?
  • Where are your insecurities and wounds and how can you step into your empowerment?
  • Where are you rebelling and thinking you’re right over all?
  • How can you live more grounded, out of the head, and shift your beliefs?
  • How can you live more confident and take action to your goals and desires?


The Sign for Aquarius :  Water Bearer or Ripples of Wave

Aquarius Element: Air -Mental

Aquarius Planet: Saturn & Uranus


Aquarius Archetype Traits, Personality, & Characteristics:

  • Innovator, visionari, leader, humanitarian
  • Driven, Empowered, Leadership
  • Can be emotionally detached and come off as aloof
  • Out of balance: stubborn, live too in the head, unemotional, undiscipline
  • Soul purpose is to find their individuality and unique gifts and bigger purpose in life


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